OKB’s Story: I went from pain to gains 😎
Currently reigning handball champion receives honourary cheers.
HIIT didn’t offer the longevity I needed.
“I was too terrified to go to a regular gym.
Body longevity has always been super important to me, and cranking through HIIT workouts until you spew and/or pass out wasn’t sustainable.
Valkyrie is the perfect environment and community for me to move and learn technique effectively without judgment.
In 1 year here, I went from being in pain to achieving a 2x bodyweight deadlift, by being more consistent and form-focused in my training.
I train with my partner, and Valkyrie was a choice we made together because we believe in the community, the training, the care and also love cheering on others while being cheered on ourselves.
The only downside to getting this strong is replacing your wardrobe multiple times…”